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Tenant still not evicted? Request compensation for your loss

On 31 May 2023

After having obtained the decision of the Protection Litigation Judge (JCP) ordering the eviction of the tenant, many landlords find themselves helpless in the face of the inertia of the Prefect who does not grant the assistance of the public force in order to proceed to the expulsion of the recalcitrant.

These owners are recognized by administrative jurisprudence as victims of a breakdown in equality before public offices.

To do this, you can request compensation for the damage suffered due to the refusal of law enforcement assistance.


In order to be efficient from our first meeting, we ask you to bring for the eviction procedure:

-          The title deed;

-          The residential lease;

-          The statement of unpaid rent and rental charges;

-          Any order to pay issued by a bailiff relating to the termination clause.

If the expulsion has already been ordered by the Protection Disputes Judge (JCP), the following documents will also be necessary:

-          The judgment or interim expulsion order;

-          The act of notification of the court decision;

-          The command to leave the premises;

-          The attempted eviction carried out by the bailiff;

-          The police requisition report;

-          An updated statement of unpaid rent and service charges.